C-47. The composed, composing self

To be ADEPT: in control of self and of conditions salient to one’s self — because able to compose one’s self and, in so far as possible, to compose by grasping and involving (VII) those other conditions for the solutions to our problems. Composing is virtually synonymous with problem solving. Composing capabilities – there are many aspects of minding to be developed – are essential to productive problem solving. Composition, when and where art is at its most general (III) — and strongest in the service of humanity and science (App. VIII).

Purpose enough? Surely as one’s own developmental goal, as self-realization. Surely as capability that can help see us through infirmities and injuries of body and step But there is also development that can then be applied to other needed developments, such as composing technologies so as to then help compose solutions more effectively and efficiently – such as the shared community development needed for the unsolved problems menacing our less than optimum quality of life (0: Sp, S-P, Ps and P).

And responsive to the force of the behavioral problem (C-41 and the general persisting conditions of the Nature of Things (III) which have generated that problem. This is the ACCORD (C-9), to which we only allude (at best) with notions of “peace” and “harmony” (App. V, App.VIII) — smacking too much of ADOPT and ADAPT behavioral strategies (XI: Imbalance).

For lack of principled behavioral foundations, we have focused our attention on dysfunctions, hoping to improve our conduct, ad hoc, via the strictures of legal statutes, parental authority and other norms, and through the use of actuarial findings (C-46). But these suggest a “death system” rather than a “life system” (App. V) approach to behavioral management. In the language of psychology, this is negative concept formation, with the implicit hope that continued rebuffs of dysfunctional behaviors will develop a conscious and conscientious behavioral core. (The adoption of a cult’s deportment, while “solving” the behavioral problem, is a foolish alternative. See C-49)

How do we become composed? We do understand (do we not?) that when we speak of the “self” we are talking about more than an entity, that we are talking about a behavioral entity. So we need to develop a better appreciation of behavior. To do that we have to liberate behavior from mere servitude to the body (III) and from the intellectual bindings which have held it there in servitude (e.g., the BPO bias: C-39).

Self-realization: Realization first of all of the nature of our being. Realization secondly through development of needed capabilities, especially those essential to composing. Realization thirdly via a lifetime of composing.

This is not a path to be guided by concept formation. It needs more principled theory than our concept-heavy efforts have been able to furnish us.

Think of all this as steps toward sanity …..

For which we need help and support, for which we should make investments – for the life of many steps ahead, individually and collectively — in behavioral infrastructure. Think of body’s skeletal, circulation, and nervous systems and envision a corollary institutional development for the step.

Then we can optimize the dynamics (XI) of this double crystal (III): their independence, their balance, their complementarity, their interdependence … thus continuing the forward thrust of composition.

Now ask: How much of the compositional capability we need does a K-12 education furnish us with (App. X)?

(c) 2012 R. F. Carter