C-261.1 Thought experiment, cont

What if we repeat our thought experiment with two observers back at Big Bang, equipped to communicate at a distance, such that one would stay and the other would travel along WITH and IN the Expansion and report back on matters of  mutual interest?

Some billions of years later (B-spacetime), the traveler to planet Earth would find the topology of Earth distinctive in several ways: the sheaths of electric current around it and, on closer inspection, the presence of many constructions – most notably some very tall buildings. Yet the behavior of humans, a late entry among its animate forms, appears very puzzling:

“I see on planet Earth some remarkable stuff happening, using the multi-step capacity with which its inhabitants have been endowed. Splitting the atom. Traveling to the moon. They evidently do not, however, see the significance of the recent sharp upturn in a relatively short time of the fruits of construction: that it took billions of years for their animate bodies to appear, but only a few centuries for an architecture of behavior to flourish. And just as remarkable is how they see behavior metaphorically in steps – as ‘One small step by man, one giant leap by mankind’ is indicative, but don’t try to see the step reductively the same way they see the body. They miss the molecularity of their steps. They fail to slice steps into mettles so they could more efficiently reproduce behaviors and more effectively produce new behavior as molecular steps.

“Every now and then someone cites an inflection point – a change in direction of their circumstances. But the direction of their own behavior? It’s more ahead than forward, more evolution than development … as if their every next step were not a continuing option. So they don’t stop; they don’t turn to look forward. They look backward s and sideways more than forward.

“Why do they pay so little attention to behavior when behavior got both them and their behaviors here in the first place? They are too much about bodies. They see bi-ness in some of their body parts, but they do not credit the bi-ness of entity and behavior in Big Bang nor in The Expansion and Nature of Things to follow. They see generalities in B-ness, but not the generality of bi-ness. B-ness too in their B-speak for their name-based languages, objectifying everything in sight -- which they then use to communicate with each other. Or try to. Stumbling over thoughtknots and concepts, focused more on the WISA re WITA connection than on the needed technology for completely  and accurately dealing with WICF and WTITBTA: the language needed not just for thinking but a language for thinking about thinking (e.g., the conjectural product of our configurative transfiguration re The Expansion and The Nature of Things).

“All this neglect of behavior even though they take countless steps every day of their lives. All this when nearly every step is needed to arrange or avoid a collision. Incredible! When the evidence of conditions attendant on collisions meets them at every turn. But they give collisions a B-ness interpretation. All this even though they are desperate for solutions to their problems – more and more of which they are creating for themselves by their behaviors. Let alone the steps they don’t make to take. Very peculiar when you think about it …”


The path Forward: history as story

We need a new history of the expansion, a more behavioral history. Much of what we need to Grasp that bears on the human condition is in the past beyond the reach of historians and beyond their conceptualized view of both the past and the future. It is and has been a story’s contribution to fill our need to connect the dots when some dots and/or their relationships are missing. A story is something of a conjecture. And a basis for carrying on, behaviorally.

This is a story about The Expansion and of our developmental expansions in it. The Expansion and our expansions are about behavior, about realization, not just about behaviors. The Expansion needs a story told to explain behavior to us, not just to predict behaviors for us. A story because it has to extend into the future beyond predictability. Into possibility too, as Emily Dickinson urges us, to dwell there.

The story begins with Big Bang, a behavior. But a behavior in consequence of behavior per se, lest there have been no such event. Quantum froth, also behavior, follows -- its immediate consequence. Then further behaviors: Extended Differentiation: “Bi-“ slices of quantum froth into energy and mass, into waves and particles … into behaviors and entities, into steps and bodies … then splices of slices, as to make photons, to make animals: combining step with body … back and forth of step and body extended still further: to step CEM body, extending bi-ness and CEM behaviorally into the fruitful contingent emergent materiality of an “as one” for constructing our several Selves. For the civic challenges of Community, then Union.

What makes this story the Big Story is CEM. Momentous in its appearance as body CEM step in The Expansion. Central to evolutionary history. But fortuitous. And still a much needed functionality for humanity’s future development and, indeed, its survival. Fortunately, CEM serves as a guide as well as a criterion, adjusting the bi-ness splice to needed splice balance and swing. You want to solve the problem of solutions? CEM is foundational.

Forward from here and now AT, ON the Frontier of The Expansion, in our next steps in the Nature of Things … to further realization via molecular step strengthening (mettle CEM mettle), in the S-universe: our World of Possibility. The Expansion unfolds to show us a procedural technology, of “Slice, splice and  swing” … for thinking about thinking, for thinking about how we are step-bound because we are Mind-bound … for thinking about our selves, as individuals and communities, about what we might and ought to become -- and how to do it ... for thinking about the procedural technology we need with which to build the behavioral architecture we need, CEM-reinforced as well as guided … with which to advance the human condition.


Perhaps even a new, improved fable, more story than history….

Two sisters are dressing up to go to the Ball, the crowning event for the weeklong celebration of technological progress held annually in Las Vegas.  Excited as they are, chattering away this summer day, they pay no attention to their half-sister who, having finished the supper dishes, is now cleaning up the fireplace.

The two sisters, one named Producer and the other named Product, are oblivious to the presence of Process, their half-sister. She, after all, is not going to the Ball. She will not get to see all the fancy tool techs on exhibit there. She will not get the chance to see King Moneybags. Nor to possibly dance with Prince Finance.

Little do Miss Producer and Miss Product know that after they have left something miraculous is going to happen. Miss Process is going to have a visitor: her godmother CEM. Then, transformed to splendor by Slice and Splice, she will be carried triumphantly in her S-universe carriage to the Ball and, toward midnight to swing joyously around the dance floor in the arms of the Prince.

To make a long story short, they become joined in Union and live Productively ever after.

Or perhaps just a telling metaphor from mineralogy, “Life: the double crystal.” Two realized structures, one of body, one of step … made stunning in combination  architecturally … and behaviorally material (CEM).

Except that here on planet Earth the step in this double crystal has not been fully realized. This while we are looking for signs of “life” on other planets in the B-universe … neglecting – and risking -- Life on this planet at our place AT and ON the Frontier of The Expansion in the S-universe  (aka World of Possibility).

(c) 2023 R. F. Carter