C-246.13 Differentiation: explanation and truth

Big Bang, to the extent of our knowledge, was the first instance of process differentiation. Explosions are like that. Slicing something apart. In the very material Expansion that followed, product differentiations soon appeared, of both bodies and behaviors … more apparently of bodies* than behaviors.**

Product differentiations offering – if we can see it -- evidence of slicing and splicing in the materiality of the Expansion: Phenomena. Evidence too then of process differentiation, of differentiate: Principle. (B-speak’s “-ion” suffix, confounding process and product, cannot be allowed to becloud the needed distinction … and its suggestive explanatory relationship between principle and phenomena.***)

Endless differentiation has ensued, the stuff of history. However, we can not afford just to collect differences and correlated differences. We need to Grasp the making of differences: the process and not just the products and producers if we cannot hand them the process.


Differentiate is the truth. Which makes it a good principle. And the “meaning of life.” And the blueprint for Excalibur, the slicing, splicing, swinging sword of life. The basis for technology needed for procedural techs with which to advance individual and community.

Truth =/= fact (PP). A differentiation – producer, process and/or product -- is a fact. Facts will not add up to the truth, falling short AT the Frontier. We must attend to our place in the Expansion, to the Nature of Things, for the truth.

Biologists, with a nose for functionality and needed functionality, ask the “big” questions of “How come?” and ”What for?” The answer to both questions is “Differentiate.” However, “differentiate” is principle in the Expansion and phenomenon in the S-universe. How are we to make much of principle or phenomenon if we have not found our place in the Expansion and the S-universe?

How and when will we ever be able to “sort out” the lie of racism as a mistaken Read of the Expansion’s principle?


* Winds, for example, are not the sole possession of earthly bodies. Nor are they the only kinds of currents. See “radio waves” for example.

** Steps, via multi-step behavioral entities, were yet to come.

*** Differentiate might be considered that principle which is applicable to all phenomena … as in “way re ways” or even “the Way re the Way.” (No outside agent required.)

In light of the very useful Search feature now available, parenthetical back references are suspended for Comments as of C-184.

(c) 2021 R. F. Carter