C-252. AOTBS: quasi-oneness

Against the stream of the Expansion’s extended differentiation and its denial of a governing One-ness, some selves are wont to pretend it anyway, to assume a condition of “all other things being stable” (AOTBS) as they make their way ahead – not necessarily forward. Partial order can provide some stability, but only some. In lieu of an operating system in Accord with the Nature of Things, an operating system that emphasizes a strategy and tactics of Adept re the way forward*, they find their way ahead via Adapt and Adopt … the two strategies suited to a One-ness.

Further, and in company with Adapt’s and Adopt’s limited operating systems, they are likely to overemphasize Learn relative to Know as technological procedural strategy for acquiring “ahead” information. Not to mention forfeiting the value of developing a balanced “Learn CEM Know” approach to selves-realization.

Then too there is the type of “conservative” that resists change per se. In the face of the ever-changing Expansion! And of other selves and B-universe circumstance (i.e., situations, conceptually speaking). Collisions catch up with them. Perhaps they are content with freedoms FROM and OF … and hesitant to invest in freedom TO.

AOTBS finds company in the principle of least effort. And we put a premium on a condition of AOTBS, for example, in foreign policy lest instability interfere with our proprietary endeavors.** Further, if as seems to be the case, we depend on a control system rather than an operating system to manage our affairs***, then AOTBS is crucial to the efficacy of the control system. But control systems, and especially expanding control systems (e.g., from cultures to nations), signal the very instability that a control system is devised to oppose.


And stuff happens.

The One-ness of assumed AOTBS is even riskier than B-ness and B-speak. The latter we are at least practiced in the making the best we could of them in our use of their procedural technologies. But AOTBS is a much quieter threat. Stuff happens unheeded. And next step’s opportunity, and then the next step’s opportunity passes…#

Are we ever in greater need of Read capability than here and now AT, ON the Frontier? Nor under greater stress to do it here and now? Primary and tertiary Read capabilities, especially; we are practiced in the secondary Reads of B-speak. Primary Reads for what our sensOry capacities and sensEry capabilities afford us. Tertiary Reads for what procedural technologies can lend to our Mind mettles, as, for example, the use of ratios to assess and redress balance conditions of body and/or step.## How well balanced are decision making and problem solving in our happening?

Journalists, working on behalf of communities, should find and make the use of ratios as an essential segment of their surveillance endeavor. “Minding society,” a journalist’s professional responsibility, implies contributing to society’s Mind (e.g., “news”) in addition to exercising that Mind as an independent “Fourth Estate.” AT, ON the Frontier of the Expansion, the journalist acts much like an experienced scout, knowing what to look for as well as what to look out for.

Stuff happens. And those whose vocation and business it is to seek out order endorse a further assumption, AOTBE: “all other things being equal,” in hopes that stuffs happening cancel each other out. The less proprietarily committed are satisfied if stuff is happening at a distance … relying on the principle of “less action at a distance.”

But stuff happens. And as we see now with global warming, instability feeds on imbalance. Established environmental patterns have been upset by climate change. Our situations change. Our problems grow in number and intensity. Combined with neglected unbalanced ratios changing for the worse AT, ON the Frontier, the stage has been set for a pluperfect storm.

Because of the control system/operating system ratio (>1++). Frontier surveillance should be showing what history shows: As situations deteriorate we put even more emphasis on the success or failure of steps taken (after the fact, evolutionary perspective) than on making better steps (before the fact, developmental perspective). And it’s always “too late.”###


* Given the NofT’s general persisting condition of partial order, Adept is requisite and imperative. To arrange soft collisions and to arrange to avoid hard collisions. We do not come sufficiently instructed to settle for just Adapt and/or Adopt as behavioral strategies.

** “Noise” poses a similar threat to communication … for which FM, via the Fourier transform, was a blessing.

*** Which is to say, we look to the functional/dysfunctional ratio rather than to the functionality/needed functionality ratio.

# AT, ON our place: the Expansion’s Frontier

## See App. XVII for an introduction to and use of ratios. They are essential to development of CEM. Bodies comprise mostly space. Behaviors comprise mostly time ... and will continue to do so until we can Grasp the molecular step’s invitation to greater (CEM) materiality. How little in life we actually effect of what we might – and ought.

### It won’t help that other ratios are also tending badly. Decision making/problem solving >1++; Learn/Know >1++; consumer/citizen >1++ … and, of course, Psit/Pbeh >1++ and the killer: body/step >1+++ (B-ness).

In light of the very useful Search feature now available, parenthetical back references are suspended for Comments as of C-184.

(c) 2021 R. F. Carter