C-260.6 Feelings and ratios

The operating system (O.S.) implied for Humanity (HC-1), architecturally AT and ON the Frontier, should have an extensive set of dynamic ratios in hand. Ratios extend Feel (an R-word) for selves’ steps as emotions do for bodies. Ratios also extend bi-ness. Forward, toward technology’s Splice and Swing. Toward CEM for our selves and our products.

Our ratios, needed to address imbalances and solve the behavioral problem (Pbeh), to perfect the selves’ operating systems, are smothered in thoughtknots (confoundings). As, for example, to address the problems of Democracy and Humanity. What imbalances, especially, should be Grasped? Consider some imbalances for which “we need to have a feeling” – whether our selve be an individual or a community:

Body/Step > 1; Take step/Make step >1; Find/Make >1; Nature of Things/Things of nature > 1; Evolution/Development >1; Control system/Operating system >1; Decision making/Problem solving >1; Us/We >1; Learn/Know >1; Transport/Message >1; Consumer/Citizen >1; Responsibility/Capability >1; Individual/Community >1….

(Degree of imbalance estimates are not given here. They can be found in prior and later website entries.)

Each imbalance is a “climate,” conceptually speaking. It matters whether the imbalance is of an HC-1 condition (e.g., Take step/Make step) or an HC-2 condition (Nature of Things/Things of nature). Some are both, most notably Control system/Operating system.

And then there are pairs whose Frontier imbalances may not be clear, but for whom independence (“bi-ness”) and balance are requisites if mettle alloying development is to produce the CEM result we need: Indeed, their Bi-ness may not even be established, a common B-speak and conceptual failure. For which application of the pragmatic precept, PP, is encouraged to attack the confounding – and lack of feeling:

Issue=/=Problem; Capacity=/=Capability; Adapt=/=Adopt=/=Adept; Law=/=principle; Concept=/=Theory; Theory OF=/=Theory FOR=/=Theory ABOUT; Agree=/=Understand; Difference=/=Change; Try=/=Trial; Migrant=/=Refugee; Climate=/=Weather; Solution=/=Answer; Reason=/=Excuse; Question=/=Problem; Budget=/=Invest….

All these … and double concepts and other thoughtknots too. Here AT, ON the Frontier of the Expansion “us” are not mindfully prepared to mindfully exercise our “next step” option. Readiness? We are not even ready for readiness. The Nature of Things warns us that in the absence of complete instruction we are going to have to build, not just take, steps. Step molecularity, which might seem a gratuitous consideration after the fact for Grasping steps taken, becomes essential before the fact when steps are yet to be made.


The Frontier Journalist, if schooled primarily in practices and tech tools (e.g., mass media techs) is ill prepared for the challenge of reporting individual and community functionality needs. Also ill prepared, to the point of “news” and “news value,” what the functionality/needed functionality ratios are, where they stand currently and whether this or that ratio is changing.*

Lacking in ratio coverage. In need of something more than most “indicators” (e.g., the severely faulted GDP and Dow Jones) … something more to the point of development – i.e., of Slice, Splice and Swing). But journalists are no more lacking than other professional observers. For a Community journalist, such ratios for community progress and stability should be essential to monitor the life of the community. There’s more to needed surveillance than control system failures and mishaps.

Out front AT, ON the Frontier, the journalist – like the scout for a wagon train – also has front-of-the- step responsibility for their next step and requires a commensurate capability to meet that responsibility. Essential, as Jefferson said of the newspaper and our nascent nation, for Community progress and survival.

We need the ratios to build and manage the human condition, whether as Humanity, HC-1, We, operating system, behavioral problem – what have you. “Feelings” tell us when we are “out of sorts,” imbalanced in body and/or step. They message us while we are taking steps. They are not just “do we feel ‘good’ or ‘bad’ about the outcomes of behaviors taken by us or by others. Feelings and ratios are on-the-go Messages.

Feelings and ratios are helpful when an imbalance and/or a change signals us to come to a needed stop. If stop we do. The “next step” Frontier option is there. We may need to start anew or at least interrupt an ongoing behavior to improve its molecularity.

Ratios, with their added insistence on independence, go even further. If we let them … and proceed via PP to pry thoughtknots apart. Ratios initiate the bi-ness foundation on which Splice and Swing can build. They have added functionality. They signal independence and imbalance. And, in the absence of correction, a crippled bi-ness.

Communities, absent as they are of corporate feelings, must look to ratios for functionality. But individuals too, if they are to make much of their steps, can and should develop ratio technologies.
Journalists’ concern for public affairs commits them to community service … and by extension to monitoring and reporting ratios pertinent to that concern. It’s too easy to surveil the functional and dysfunctional (“good news, bad news”; “how things are behaving”), to the neglect of function relative to needed functionality.

“Empathy” (the concept) falls way short of needed functionality. A feeling for others’ feelings is often probably projection? In any case it falls far short of Help, which requires a much more complete and accurate Grasp of behavioral architecture than B-feelings afford. Then too, there is the potential of emotion overwhelming cognition.


* Contrast these unmet informational needs with the concern for “good news” and “bad news” about contemporary B-ness situational functionalities and dysfunctionalities.

In light of the very useful Search feature now available, parenthetical back references are suspended for Comments as of C-184.

(c) 2022 R. F. Carter