C-260.9 First force

When we focus attention on the Expansion, away from the B-universe and its “four forces,” we might see another force at work: Differentiation. Extended differentiation.

A primary force … in that this force is the first after Big Bang, before there was a B-universe and its four forces and their proprietary primacy for consideration in our Grasp of the human condition. A primary force in our Grasping the importance of Swing as the fullest extension of Slice and Splice – if we bring technology to bear more fully on the architecture of behavior.

A principled force. Not a lawful force such as the B-universe reach for a unity (One-ness) and determinism (complete rather than partial order). A force to pursue in the S-universe because it is a continuing first force. To be pursued with more emphasis on procedural technology, especially with respect to the step’s Mind.*

A force that plays for success in the collision-laden game of survival. To a criterion of fittingest … fittingest by way of Slice, Splice and Swing. For which the pragmatic precept (PP) is the cutting edge of procedural technology.


* A need made most evident by 0:S-P problem type re quality of life. Whereas B-ness and B-speak have beclouded our view of S-universe phenomena and Expansion principles.

In light of the very useful Search feature now available, parenthetical back references are suspended for Comments as of C-184.

(c) 2022 R. F. Carter