C-186. The four Freedoms circle and wheel of emergence

Consider two of the triangles defined by three each of these four points AT re Freedom*:




Revolution for independence may initiate a triangle: FROM => OF => FOR. Call it the “Washington triangle”. Freedom is still incomplete, lacking freedom TO’s needed expansive development of step making and taking capabilities, up to and including step-enabled (“< CEM >”) Union for collective problem solving … which becomes critical as needed freedoms FROM multiply.** Whatever hard collision threats from whatever sources (e.g., own behavior, others’ behavior, other things’ behavior***).

The introduction of Freedom TO calls attention to another productive triangle, OF => TO => FOR, consistent with the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, which calls for increased functionality, and first calling for working toward a more perfect Union. Recall, too, Lincoln’s “of the people, by the people and for the people.” Call it the “Lincoln’s triangle”. To go with the “Washington’s triangle”. Interdependence too, not just independence.

The Freedom circle, which the combined triangles sketch, expands in and by Freedom TO development of step and step-product (tech) functionality. This is what invoking the R-transform to Read the Expansion promises for improved problem solving … correcting our course and, and as mega-tech#, furthering our protocol development of tech tools and procedures. Wheeling our way Forward AT and ON the Frontier.


Success IN and FOR the Washington triangle can be achieved by comparative advantage. Thus, for example, the colonies could benefit from their geographical remove and greater resolve. Relative aggregated raw power may also do the trick, irrespective of the ratio of power to strength in the respective parties.

Freedom TO is crucial to success IN and FOR the Lincoln triangle. This is a matter of step strength, and of developing that step strength… via Union’s “< CEM >” between individual and community (state and nation and/or individual and state and/or individual and nation). The emergent nation rested – and still does – on “< CEM >’s” process of Emergence.

And now the ratio of power to strength becomes pertinent. Not just because we might come to be dependent on raw power to the neglect of needed strength. But because we do best by developing, via “< CEM >”, an emergent, more productive relationship between power and strength.

* See Noun particles (C-40), which direct our attention to problems of needed functionality with respect to Message.

** See Roosevelt’s four “freedoms from.”

*** Global warming comprises all these.

#See, as exemplar, KMmt: KMmt – “Know thyself know” … for better tries, to improve on “trial and error”.) A far better agenda than observer re observed (Or:Od), which reeks of B-ness, of needed but neglected functionality, on both sides of the “:”.

In light of the very useful Search feature now available in the home page, parenthetical back references are suspended for Comments as of C-184.

(c) 2018 R. F. Carter