C-224. Excalibur meets Shakespeare: Mettle(s)

The fabled all-conquering Excalibur of King Arthur’s time, a sword stuck in a stone, waiting to be withdrawn by Arthur, was made of metal. Shakespeare verbally transformed metal to mettle in Henry V (Act 4, scene 8): “By this Day and its Light, the fellow has mettle enough in his belly” … and expanded our sense of Arthur and Excalibur to what it might and ought to be: the capability to extract the “sword” from the stone. Which is to say, mettle both of capability and sword.

The two swords share an important quality. Their constituent metals/mettles must be alloyed (forged together), for emergence, by steps made and taken to bring forth their needed strength. And to optimize this emergence process, the metals/mettles should be as “pure” (independent) and “balanced” (in ratios) as possible: the CEM principles applicable to emergence. How is this to come about for the self as the new Excalibur when mettles are mixed together willy-nilly in human behavior, as with the thoughtknots confounding us in B-speak?

Our experience with metals is helpful. They usually have to be extracted from minerals, refined as by smelting, once those minerals have been mined as ores from their rock matrix. Behaviors (“our ways”) as we know them are typically mettle ore. Even if we can, as with some proceedings, establish something of a Grasp, a notion about the structure of their processes. We have yet to develop requisite reduction technology to separate out and “purify” (establish the independence of) step mettles … so that we can alloy (Compose) them most effectively in, by and with new procedural technologies.

Mettle is to step as muscle is to body. Both are what “makes things work.” They are about strength – not just power. They are what we build steps with.


Mettles are about step molecularity, about step anatomy after-the-fact and about step (refined) ingredients before-the-fact, to make out as best we can what was – or was not – effective in the steps we’ve taken and to make the steps we need to make and take more effective.

Our concern for effectiveness, to reduce the gap and/or ratio with respect to needed functionality (NF) and functionality (F), in light of our many unsolved problems, calls for an Arthurian encore. Given our shortsighted neglect of the Nature of Things, focusing instead on the things of nature, we have left the behavioral problem and solution cemented in the Escarpment of situational problems and solutions. We need to pull them out. R-sense and R-technologies do that … and then we will be moving Forward into and in the World of Possibility.

Mettles are part of a heuristic step technology akin to the “atom smashing” and “fusion” of our study of bodies. But now we need to do it for the step … having set aside the concept of “behavior” for the theoretical construct of “step.”* As we work with mettles in analyzing and designing procedural technologies, we may, as with the atoms, and applying the pragmatic precept (PP), come to discover molecular units (DIF=>DIF’s) of a smaller size. At any level, CEM principles apply. Development (aka Realization: R-sense) can advance more expeditiously, leveraged Forward from its foundation in the Nature of Things.**


* “Step” actually, because R-sense and R-technologies regard “Step” as an R-word. Steps are about Forward (“next step”) AT, ON the Frontier.

** Ratio, it can be seen, is preferable here to gap. Gap does not benefit from the Nature of Things foundation. It sees the NF-F relationship in B-spacetime instead of R-spacetime. With respect to “Know thy self” (sic)***, we have been looking “under the streetlight” of B-ness and B-speak for something that is up ahead in the World of Possibility.

*** Selves too, actually. As individuals and as members (more or less) of (more or less) communities. “More or less” because the conceptual spectrums of members and communities are broad, as various as sports fan and citizen, family and nation. The “We” problem of collective step making and taking, TO which “community” points, requires a firm Grasp not only of self and selves but of CEM’s Union to make their work together viable.

In light of the very useful Search feature now available, parenthetical back references are suspended for Comments as of C-184.

(c) 2020 R. F. Carter